Fields and particles

9-20 January 2023

The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics describes elementary particles and their fundamental interactions within the framework of Quantum Field Theory. The Higgs boson was the last SM particle to be discovered about 10 years ago. These particles make up all visible matter in the Cosmos and perhaps other types of particles, such as Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPS) or Axions as part of Dark Matter. This Summer School will explore the theoretical foundation of the SM and its extensions. Our lecturers will also cover related areas from astroparticles to signatures of physics Beyond SM in atoms.

The target audience of this summer school is Postgraduate students from across Australia and New Zealand; senior undergraduate students and early career researchers are also welcome. The school will cover the following current research topics:

In addition to the regular lectures there will be other activities such as lab visits, Science in the Pub, and social events.


Accommodation: We have secured some rooms at Burgmann College on the ANU Campus for the two weeks of the Summer School. The cost is $600 for students and $800 for academics. This includes accommodation and all meals from checking in Sunday 8th January to checking out Friday 20th January 2023.

NOTE: The negoiated price is for the full two weeks. Participants who attend only part of the School will need to make their own arrangments. The rooms are limited so depending on number of participants attending the School we might not be able to accommodate everyone.


Registration deadline: Friday 28 October 2022

The registrations will be reviewed by the selection committee and partipants will be notified by Tuesday 1 November 2022 of acceptance and also accommodation arrangments.

Please register here



Prof. Cedric Simenel (Chair)

Petra Rickman (Administrator)

Please contact us at

Updated:  10 March 2025/ Responsible Officer:  Director, RSPE/ Page Contact:  Physics Webmaster