From Classical to Quantum & Complex Systems

1st Asia-Pacific Summer School in Mathematical Physics
27 November – 7 December 2007

The purpose of this Summer School is to bring together honours and postgraduate students from the Asia-Pacific region, and to offer lectures given by world-renowned researchers in the field (at the advanced undergraduate and beginning postgraduate level) in a variety of modern topics in Mathematical Physics.

The school will be immediately followed by the Annual Workshop on Mathematical Physics (incorporating the Annual Statistical Mechanics Meeting). Postgraduate students in particlar are encouraged to stay on for the Workshop.

Download the Flyer (PDF, 1.3MB)


  • Sander Bais (University of Amsterdam)
    Topological Quantum Computing
  • Vladimir Bazhanov (Australian National University)
    Quantum Integrability
  • Gavin Brennen (Macquarie University, Sydney)
    Implementations of spin lattice models and topologically ordered states with atomic, molecular and optical systems
  • Peter Forrester (University of Melbourne)
    Random Matrices
  • Greg Lawler (University of Chicago)
    Stochastic Loewner Evolution
  • Soonkeon Nam (Kyung Hee University, Seoul)< br/> String Theory, Black Holes, etc.
  • Guifre Vidal (University of Queensland)
    Entanglement, Tensor Networks and the Simulation of Quantum Many-Body Systems

Guest Lecturer

  • Ignacio Cirac (Max PLanck Institute, Garching)
    Efficient descriptions of many-body systems: simulations and beyond

International Advisory Committee

  • Changrim Ahn (Ewha Women's University, Seoul, Korea)
  • Atsuo Kuniba (University of Tokyo, Komaba, Japan)
  • Miao Li (ITP, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China)
  • Soonkeon Nam (Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea)
  • Paul Pearce (University of Melbourne)

Organizing Committee

  • Murray Batchelor (ANU)
  • Vladimir Bazhanov (ANU)
  • Peter Bouwknegt (ANU)
  • Jon Links (University of Queensland)
  • Aleks Owczarek (University of Melbourne, MASCOS)
  • Bryan Wang (ANU)

Student scholarships

A number of Student Scholarships will be available to cover attendence of honours and postgraduate students. These scholarships will either be Travel Student Scholarships (travel + full board and lodging) or Student Scholarships (full board and lodging only). Preference for Travel Scholarships will be given to Australian and New Zealand honours students.


Registration for Classical to Quantum and Complex Systems has closed.


  • Centre for Mathematics and Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University
  • Centre for Complex Systems, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University
  • College of Science, Australian National University
  • Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics
  • Australian Research Council

For further information please contact

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