CFT, AdS/CFT and Integrability

2nd Asia-Pacific Summer School in Mathematical Physics
12–16 December 2011

In recent years there has been remarkable progress in understanding non-perturbative dynamics of gauge fields and their relationship to string theory. Central to this progresss is the AdS/CFT correspondence (Anti de Sitter/Conformal Field Theory correspondence) which conjectures an equivalence between theories of gravity on a curved space and gauge theories defined on the boundary of such spaces. Many important developments have been made by using methods of exactly solvable (integrable) systems. This Summer School will provide an introduction to these fundamental topics.


Changrim Ahn, Ewha Womans University, Seoul
Introduction to integrability in AdS/CFT

Vladimir Bazhanov, The Australian National University
Conformal Field Theory as a Completely Integrable Quantum System

Nick Halmagyi, LPTHE, University Paris VI and Harvard University
Introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence

Rafael Nepomechie, University of Miami
Introduction to integrability in AdS/CFT

Student scholarships

A number of Student Scholarships will be available to cover full board and lodging of honours and postgraduate students. In some cases travel assistance may be provided.


Registration for the summer school has closed


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