
Time Mon 12 Tue 13 Wed 14 Thu 15 Fri 16
9–9.30am     Nepomechie    
9.30–10am Nepomechie Halmagyi Bazhanov Ahn
10–10.30am Morning Tea
10.30–11am Morning Tea Morning Tea Neopmechie Morning Tea Morning Tea
11–11.30am Ahn Halmagyi Bazhanov Nepomechie
11.30am–12pm lunch
12–12.30pm lunch lunch lunch lunch
2–2.30pm Bazhanov Ahn   Halmagyi Ahn
3–3.30pm Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea Afternoon Tea
3.30–4pm Bazhanov Nepomechie Halmagyi Xmas party


The morning lectures are taking place in the Manning Clarke Centre, Theatre 4 (building 26a) and the afternoon lectures in the Cockcroft/Oliphant Link Building Seminar Room (building 58d, 1st floor). See the printable map (PDF, 359KB).

Morning tea will be served in the common room of the John Dedman Mathematical Sciences building (building 27, room 1175), and afternoon tea in the Link Building.

The Christmas party, on the Friday afternoon, will be held in the Theoretical Physics seminar and tea rooms, in the Le Couteur building (building 59, 3rd floor).

Outline of lectures

Changrim Ahn / Rafael Nepomechie

Title: Introduction to integrability in AdS/CFT

  1. Introduction [A/N]
  2. N=4 super Yang-Mills theory (Lagrangian, symmetries, planar limit, dilatation operator) [N]
  3. String sigma model on AdS5 x S5 (Lagrangian, symmetries, classical solutions) [A]
  4. Algebraic and coordinate Bethe Ansatz [N]
  5. Asymptotic S-matrix and asymptotic Bethe Ansatz equations [A/N]
  6. Finite-size corrections [A]

Vladimir Bazhanov

Title: Conformal Field Theory as a Completely Integrable Quantum System

  1. Introduction
  2. Theory of solitons and Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV)
  3. Higher conservation laws
  4. Iso-spectral deformations of 1D Schrödinger equation. Monodromy matrix
  5. Conformal transformations and Virasoro algebra. Quantum KdV theory
  6. Yang-Baxter equation in continuous Quantum Field Theory

Nick Halmagyi

Title: Introduction to the AdS/CFT correspondence

  1. D-brane solutions of type II supergravity and their near horizon limits
  2. QFT correlators from gravity in AdS space
  3. Quark-anti-quark potential from the gravity dual. Thermal Free energy
  4. Minimal supersymmetry and IR confinement from gravity

Updated:  10 March 2025/ Responsible Officer:  Director, RSPE/ Page Contact:  Physics Webmaster