The Invisible Universe
14-25 January 2019
Recent measurements by exquisitely sensitive experiments have allowed us to explore parts of the universe that do not emit light, leading to Nobel prizes for physics in 2011, 2015, and 2017. These breakthroughs have opened a window to the invisible universe and may transform our understanding of fundamental physics.

The target audience of this summer school is Postgraduate students from across Australia and New Zealand; senior undergraduate students and early career researchers are also welcome. The school will cover the following current research topics explaining both fundamental theoretical concepts and prospective applications:
- Gravitational Waves (2017 Nobel prize)
- Dark Matter
- Dark Energy (2011 Nobel Prize)
- Neutrinos (2015, 2002, 1995, 1988 Nobel Prizes)
In addition to the regular lectures there will be other activities such as lab visits, Science in the Pub, and social events.
Student travel, child support & accomodation scholarships are available.
- Jenni Adams (U. Canterbury, NZ)
- Elisabetta Barberio (U. Melbourne)
- Roland Crocker (ANU)
- Paul Lasky (Monash)
- Hannah Middleton (U. Melbourne)
- Tracy Slatyer (MIT, US)
- Rory Smith (Monash)
- Robert Ward (ANU)
- Christian Wolf (ANU)
Organising Committee
- Cedric Simenel
- Robert Ward
- Lindsey Bignell
- Elena Ostrovskaya
- Vanessa Robins
- Hua Xia
Advisory Committee
- Sandrine Courtin (IPHC)
- Jade Powell (Swinburne)
- Anthony Thomas (Adelaide)
- Susan Scott (ANU)
- ANU Research School of Physics and Engineering
- OzGrav – ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery
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